Saturday 11 February 2012

Trash Pack v Fresh Pack teamwork Snowflake child artist

Here are my little girls amazing Fresh Pack characters. First she drew the little characters with black pen for me to learn some Welsh. We then coloured them in Photoshop. Then I went about making each individual little character based on her original designs. They are awesome. The characters were created well before we knew about the Trash Pack. Once Trash Pack came out we thought hey this would be fantastic for a game Trash Pack v Fresh Pack. Trash Pack are the bad characters that live in the trash cans and we are the good ones that live in the fridge and houses.

It is funny how bad luck steers you in a different direction. My fairies have stood still for a while and I have been concentrating more on my little girls creations. Well she is the real talent. Just got a friends request from Rolf Harris who we adore. We always joke that Snowflake draws fast just like Rolf Harris. You can see what I mean in the video below.

I am working on a little game called the Trash Pack Olympics. So stay tuned. Funny thing is two days ago I was searching to see if any lost family had found my blogs about our Great Grandad. And there before me was Madison from our family tree. She will hopefully be coming over to London for the Paralympics. How proud are we as a family. Nan's strength must run in the family on her fathers side. Good luck Madi lets see you fly!

Check our other posts for Trash Pack games. And remember you saw it first here with Snowflake putting little Trashie on the lid and popping the trash can so he flies through the air. We also created the little house game. And now for the Olympic Trash Pack which will hopefully make people be a little more kinder to each other as every child deserves a break in life no matter what Country they are from.

Be kind to others! And Snowflake well done for being honest and handing in the wallet you found on the streets yesterday to the bank. I hope the person really appreciates your honesty like I do sweetie. Seriously well done!

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